Below is a quick list of my regular drinks along with a simple ranked breakdown of my preferences in each category.
Scotch: It's hard to go wrong with a good bottle of scotch. There is such a wide variety available that you can find one that will pair with any cigar you have.
1. Johnny Walker Blue Label
2. Dalmore Cigar Malt
3. Johnny Walker Gold Label
4. Macallan 12 year
5. Glenlivet 18 year
6. Glennfidditch 15 year
7. Johnny Walker Green Label
8. Glenlivet 12 year
Cognac: Lighter and almost sweet. If you normally don't drink things straight up, starts with this to ease you into it.
1. Remy Martin XO
2. Courvoissior VSOP
3. Remy Martin VSOP
4. Hennessey VSOP
Whiskey: Bourbon and other whiskeys often tend to have a little more of a kick to them. As a result, I usually reserve them for more full bodied cigars that can hold their own against a powerful tasting drink.
1. Makers Mark
2. Crown Royal
3. Single Barrel Jack
4. Knob Creek
5. Wild Turkey
Tequila: This sounded weird to me too so I haven't even tried much of a variety yet. Trust me, it's worth it.
1. Patron Silver
2. Jose Cuervo
Beer: No specific brewer, but these particular styles can go very well with a cigar if it's a quality brew. Check out Josh's Beer Blog for brewer ratings and recommendations.
1. Belgian Ale
2. Imperial Stout
3. Barely Wine
4. Scottish Ale
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