My friend Josh suggested that I begin a blog like this. I have a blog that I post on fairly regularly but it's about........well it's not really about anything. Actually, it's just mindless rambling filled with too many inside jokes. You can find the link to it here, but honestly I wouldn't bother. It's stupid. Anyway, my friend Josh, who has recently become a bit of a mircrobrew beer connoisseur has started a new blog focusing on beers. You can find a link to get to his blog as well. This I actually do recommend.
Josh and I were discussing his ranking system for beers and somewhere along the way, the topic of cigars came up as we both enjoy them. After talking about it for a while, Josh admitted that he was not aware that I was as interested in cigar smoking as I am. He suggested that I start a blog similar to his.
I thought about it and the idea of occasionally posting about an actual topic intrigues me. No, I don't plan on closing down the Black Hole (my other blog) as it is really an enjoyable way for me to vent about anything. (I have been accused of being a less than cheery person on more than one occasion.). But to have this blog as a way to keep track of my tastes, experiences, and hopefully even get some insight and opinions from others seems like something worth while.
So what's the plan for The Humidor? Actually, I'm not really sure. Eventually, I would like to develop my own sort of ranking system but I'll let that develop on it's own. For now, I just plan on jotting down a few random notes every time I smoke a cigar and I'll just keep on trying new ones. (Lately, I have been sticking with a couple regulars). I'll outline what characteristics of a smoke are most important to me and why. I'll describe the different flavors and level of boldness in each cigar as I'm smoking them so I can go back and read later on. I will also continue on the never ending search to discover what drink is most perfectly paired with what type of cigar. Everyone knows scotch and cigars often go hand in hand, but have you tried smoking with a small glass of tequila or champagne? Different combinations are the key to unlocking new flavors, and I'll try to find as many of them as I can.
I know cigar smokers love to share their opinions and stories and I encourage everyone to do so. I'd love any recommendations from experienced smokers who most likely would consider me a bit of a rookie. What kind of cigars do you like? When is your favorite time or place to smoke? What drinks do you like to pair with your cigar? Where do you buy from? How do you mask odors from you're girlfriend? Let me know.
My New England Patriots are playing in Superbowl XLII this weekend. So hopefully, I will touch base here to enjoy a nice smoke Sunday evening.
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